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发表于 2020-6-14 22:09:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




  前些天,新加坡资深外交家马凯硕在美国的《国家利益》杂志上发表了一篇文章,题目是《为什么说特朗普政府帮助了中国(Why the Trump Administration Has Helped China)》,我觉得写得挺好的,截取一部分来与大家分享(中文是姚尧自己翻译的)。


  Clearly,the Trump administration has no thoughtful,comprehensive and long-term strategy to manage an ever-rising China.Nor has it heeded the wise advice of key strategic thinkers,like Kissinger or George Kennan.Kennan,for example,advised that the long-term outcome of the contest with the then Soviet Union would depend on“the degree to which the United States can create among the peoples of the world”the impression of a country“which is coping with the problem of its internal life”and“which has a spiritual vitality.”No such impression has been created by the Trump administration.Post-coronavirus and post-George Floyd,America is delivering the opposite impression.In relative terms,the Trump administration has raised the stature of China,which is now perceived as the more competent country in the world.


  Equally importantly,Kennan emphasized that America had to assiduously cultivate friends and allies.The Trump administration has seriously damaged relationships with friends and allies.……Yet,there is no doubt that diminishing global respect for the United States opens more geopolitical space for China.Madeleine Albright once said“We are the indispensable nation.We stand tall and we see further than other countries into the future.”The Trump administration may succeed in making America a dispensable nation,presenting another geopolitical gift to China.


  The Trump administration has also ignored another wise piece of advice of George Kennan:to not insult one’s adversaries.No other Administration has insulted China as much as the Trump administration.……theory,such insults could have damaged the standing of the Chinese government in the eyes of its own people.The effect has been the opposite.According to the latest Edelman Trust Barometer,the country where the people have the highest trust in their government is China.It is 90 percent.This is not surprising.For the vast majority of Chinese people,the past forty years of social and economic development have been the best in four thousand years.Kennan spoke of domestic“spiritual vitality.”China enjoys it today.……The Chinese people are also acutely aware that China has handled the coronavirus crisis better than America.If America had the same rate of fatalities as China,then it would have had one thousand deaths instead of one-hundred thousand.Against this backdrop,the constant insults hurled at China have only provoked a strong nationalistic response,boosting the standing of the Chinese government.One small but critical point needs to be added here:no other government in the world hurls insults at China.America stands alone in this dimension,ignoring once again Kennan’s valuable advice:“And if there were any qualities that lie within our ability to cultivate that might set us off from the rest of the world,these would be the virtues of modesty and humility.”


  It is therefore unwise for any American strategic thinker to assume that Americans cannot lose.It’s true that America hasn’t lost a major contest in over a hundred years but it has never had to deal with a competitor as formidable as China.Equally importantly,if the primary goal of the CCP is to improve the well-being of its people(and thereby revive Chinese civilization),there need not be a fundamental contradiction with the primary goal of any new American administration:to once again improve the well-being of the American people.Hence,when the Trump administration goes and America tries again to work out a more thoughtful long-term strategy towards China,it should consider a now unthinkable option:a strong Chinese civilization and a strong America can live together in peace in the twenty-first century.The world will be relieved and even cheer this outcome.And the American people will be better off.




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